Government of Pakistan, Finance Division (Regulation Wing) Notification / OM F.No.9(7)R-1/2014-515/2016 dated 1st July, 2016
The undersigned is directed to refer to Establishment Division’s OM. No. 1/13/96-R dated 25th January, 2016 on the subject noted above and to convey the concurrence of Finance Division for up-gradation of the posts of following Ministerial staff w.e.f 01-07-2016:
- Assistant Incharge (BS-15 To BS-16) One time dispensation
- Assistant (BS-14 To BS-16) One time dispensation
- UDC (BS-09 to BS-11)
- LDC (BS-07 to BS-09)
The incumbents of the upgraded post will be entitled to the annual increment falling due on 1st December, 2016 if otherwise admissible.
The above up-gradation is subject to amendment in the Recruitment Rules and filling up the upgraded posts in accordance with Establishment Division’s D.O. ltr No. 8/36/2000/R-1, dated 31st December, 2008.

Up-gradation of Ministerial Posts of Federal Government: (Assistant BS-16, UDC BS-11 & LDC BS-09), Clarifications issued by Estb. Division