Up-gradation of Ministerial Posts of Federal Government: (Assistant BS-16, UDC BS-11 & LDC BS-09), Clarifications issued by Estb. Division

By   January 13, 2017

Govt of Pakistan, Cabinet Sectt: Establishment Division O.M. / Notification No. 7/6/2002-R-6 (Pt-II), dated 11-01-2017

According to this Office Memorandum, the undersigned is directed to refer to the subject noted above and to say that Ministries/Divisions of the Federal Government have sought different clarifications from Establishment Division. The matter has been examined and it is decided that consolidated reply shall be given to all. Therefore, the clarifications and the reply of this Division on same are as under: –

Clarifications: The existing Assistant-In Charge have been granted BS-16 as one time dispensation and the posts are declared as dying cadre. After the retirement of existing Assistant in Charge who have been granted BS-16 the posts become vacant, what will be the status/fate of these posts?
Reply: It is up to the administrative Ministry / Division to convert the same post in to the post of Assistant in consultation with Finance Division.

Clarifications: (ii) Whether the facility of up-gradation is applicable only to the employees of Ministries/Divisions or it is also applicable to employees of Attached Departments/ Subordinate Offices.
Reply: (ii) The uniform Recruitment Rules of ministerial staff are applicable to all Ministries/ Divisions/ Departments of the Federal Government.

Clarifications: (iii) Whether required training shall be a pre-requisite to the up-gradation or otherwise.
Reply: (iii) Training is mandatory in the event of promotion and initial appointment. For initial appointment after selection before completion of probation period and for promotion before consideration for promotion passing of prescribed training is mandatory.

Clarifications: (iv) Will the officials on deputation also be up-graded at their place of present posting or they will be repatriated to their parent department for up-gradation.
Reply: (iv) The officials on deputation also stand up-graded at their place of present posting.

Clarifications:(v) The post of Assistant/UDC/LDC working on contract basis will also be up-graded or otherwise?
Reply: (v) Project staff / contract employees which have been appointed in the prescribed manner are also entitled to the benefits of this upgradation, if it is not in conflict with their terms of appointment.

Clarifications: (vi) If a post has already been advertised in the newspapers without mentioning requisite basic IT training Course from NITB before receipt of Establishment Division’s O.M. in question dated 10-8-2016. Whether recruitment process may be completed in accordance with the existing Recruitment Rules or the post may be re-advertised in the newspapers?
Reply: (vi) Necessary corrigendum 01 advertisement may be issued.

Clarifications: (vii) Whether, up-gradation of ministerial staff is applicable on autonomous bodies?
Reply: (vii) Autonomous Bodies may adopt the same decision in accordance with their respective Service Rules.

Clarifications: (viii) Whether the higher scale BS-16 may also be granted to existing incumbents who are working against the post of Assistant on acting charge basis or otherwise.
Reply: (viii) Acting charge appointment is made to those officials who otherwise are eligible for promotion but do not possess the required length of service for promotion under Rule 8 B of Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion & Transfer) Rules, 1973. Therefore, the incumbent of the post of Assistant (BS-15) working on acting charge basis will be allowed grant of BS-16 in due time after regularization to the post of Assistant (BS-15). (ix) Establishment Division’s d.o. letter No. 1/1/73-ARC, dated 10-11-1973 provides notifying of all appointments in BS-16 and above in the Gazette of Pakistan. Establishment Division vide its O.M. No. 1/13/96-R-6, dated 10-8-2016 has up-graded the post of Assistant to BS-15 and grant of BS-16 is allowed to existing incumbents of the post. The substantive pay scale of the post of Assistant is BS-15 and BS-16 is only grant. Therefore, Office Order may be issued.

Special Thanks to Mr. Imran Bashir, from AGP Office, Islamabad for providing the O.M.

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Up-Gradation of Ministerial Posts in Federal Government
Government of Pakistan, Finance Division (Regulation Wing) Notification / OM F.No.9(7)R-1/2014-515/2016 dated 1st July, 2016

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