Government of Pakistan, Finance Division (Reg Wing) OM/Notification F.No.9(7)R-I/2014-62/2023 Dated 14-Feb-2023
The undersigned is directed ton convey that the Prime Minister has been pleased to accord approval to the grant of special dispensation for the Civil Servants (BPS-1 to BPS-15) in the Federal Government as per following pattern:-
- The incumbents in BPS-01 to BPS-05 will be granted two higher pay scale as one time dispensation, if they have not availed time scale under Time Scale Policy-2022. However, their substantive pay scale will remain unchanged.
- The incumbents in BPS-01 to BPS-05 will be granted one higher pay scale as one time dispensation, if they have availed time scale under Time Scale Policy-2022. However, their substantive pay scale will be remain un-changed.
- The incumbents in BPS-06 to BPS-15 will be granted next higher scale as one time dispensation, if they have not availed time scale under Time Scale Policy-2022. However, their substantive pay scale will be remain un-changed.
- The incumbents in BPS-06 to BPS-15 who have already availed benefit of time scale under Time Scale Policy-2022 will only be granted one additional increment of their current pay scale as one time dispensation.
- Employees in BPS-16 will be granted one additional increment as one time dispensation.
- The posts of Lower Division Clerk (LDC) will be upgraded from BPS-09 to BPS-11 and that of Upper Division Clerk (UDC) from BPS-11 to BPS-13 along-with incumbents. Recruitment Rules will be amended by Establishment Division accordingly as per up-gradation policy.
2. The above mentioned special dispensations shall be subject to following conditions:
- The dispensation shall only be admissible to those Civil Servant of Federal Government who are in BPS-01 to BPS-16 (excluding employees paid out of Defence Estimates) and are in receipt of Disparity Reduction Allowances.
- This dispensation shall not be admissible to an employee who is currently drawing the pay of BPS-17 whatsoever means.
- One chance of grant of higher Time Scale, admissible under Time Scale Policy-2022, shall be considered as lapsed in respect of employees who avail benefit under this dispensation.
- This dispensation shall not involve any upgradation of posts except the posts of LDC/UDC.
- No premature increment shall be admissible on grant of higher pay scale under this dispensation.
- The beneficiary of grant of higher pay scale under this dispensation shall continue to draw allowances/perks/privileges/etc. sanctioned for own substantive pay scale. The substantive pay scale is a pay scale which is acquired by a Civil Servant on regular basis through initial appointment /by means of promotion/appointment by transfer.
- The dispensation at para 1(c, d) will not be applicable to LDCS and UDCs whose posts have been upgraded under para 1(f).
- The phrase in para 2(i) “and who are in receipt of Disparity Reduction Allowances” shall stand omitted in case of the President’s Secretariat (Public), President’s Secretariat (Personal), Prime Minister’s Office (Public) and Prime Minister’s Office (Internal).
- These dispensations will be effective from 01-01-2023.
- Finance Division will notify an Anomaly Committee to address the issues arising from the implementation of this dispensation, and the decision of the Committee shall be final. However, for any variation/amendments in this dispensation, the recommendation of the Anomaly Committee shall require Prime Minister’s approval.