Azad Govt of The State of Jammu & Kashmir, Finance Department Notification/OM No. FD/R/9261-9360/2016 dated 03/06/2016
The President Azad Jammu & Kashmir has been pleased to approve that all civil servants of Azad Govt of the State of Jammu & Kashmir holding posts in BS-5 to BS-16, except those who are already availing incentive of time scale, which are isolated/stagnant (i.e. having no promotion prospects) and have 10 years continuous service to their credit in the respective pay scale shall be granted next pay scale with effect from 01-07-2016. The incumbents shall further be granted next pay scale after earning each 10 years of continuous service.
2. The grant of higher time scale shall be subject to all following terms and conditions:-
- The higher time scale shall be granted on the recommendations of concern Departmental Committee, to be constituted later by S&GAD, to ascertain service record and judge service as satisfactory. However, the immediate higher time scale in case of 10 years continuous service shall be without condition of recommendation of Departmental Committee if no disciplinary proceedings are under process against the civil servant.
- The recruitment rules, nomenclature/tier of the post and seniority of the employees shall remain intact.
- The pay shall be fixed in higher pay scale at a stage next above the pay in the lower pay scale. Premature increment shall not be admissible.
3. The Autonomous Bodies under the control of Azad Govt. of the State of Jammu & Kashmir may adopt above policy through their Boards keeping in view their own financial position. The Azad Govt. of the State of Jammu & Kashmir shall not provide any additional grant for this.