Govt. of the Punjab, Finance Dept. Notification No. FD.PC.40-43/2017(E) dated 14-12-2018
According to letter the “Computer Personnel” (Govt. of Punjab) carry different nomenclatures, pay scales and prescribed qualifications as given in columns B & C below. The Governor of the Punjab has been pleased to restructure these posts with prescribed qualifications, pay scales and designations as given in D, E & F read with observations given under the table.
- Existing Nomenclature
Data Entry Operator (DEO) / Computer Operator / Key Punch Operator / Key Punch Verifying Operator / Computer,System Operator
Revised BPS and Designation
BPS-12 as Junior Computer Operator - Existing Nomenclature
Computer Operator / System Operator
Revised BPS and Designation
BPS-15 as Computer Operator - Existing Nomenclature
Data Processing Officer/Computer Operator
Revised BPS and Designation
BPS-16 as Senior Computer Operator - Existing Nomenclature
Revised BPS and Designation
BPS-17 as Programmer
The incumbents of the upgraded posts will also stand upgraded and their pay will be fixed at the stage next above their basic pay in their lower pay scales with immediate effect. No premature increments is admissible on up-gradation of posts in terms of policy of Punjab Government.
The expenditure incurred on the above up-grdation of posts shall be borne by the supplementary grant will be issued in this regard.