Govt of Punjab, Finance Department Notification No. FD.PC.40-12/2017 dated 19-04-2019
Govt of Punjab, Finance Department Notification No. FD.PC.40-12/2017 dated 19-04-2019Govt of Punjab, Finance Department Notification No. FD.PC.40-12/2017 dated 19-04-2019
That the Governor of the Punjab has been pleased to allow Time Scale Promotion twice in their entire service to the officers/officials with effect from 01.02.2019 in the following prescribed manners:
- i) The Officers/Officials who have served for more than 10 years of service in the same scale even if they have opportunity of promotion, but they are not promoted due to a few number of posts in the upper tier may be up-graded to next scale as personal to them as one time dispensation, subject to the condition that they possess good/satisfactory service record.
- ii) The officers in BS-16 and above having stagnant posts (بند ساکن، سست پروموشن) may also be allowed Time Scale Promotion on completion of 10 years‘ satisfactory service twice in their entire service.
2. Premature increment is not admissible on grant of time scale promotion.
3. All the Department/Attached Department are requested to take further necessary action to implement the above policy.