Appeal Nos 102-110(R) CS/2015, case filed by by Muhammad Israil, M/o Planning & 8 others
Last Hearing on 26.1.2015
Date of Judgement : 30.03.2016
Before Syed Rafique Hussain Shah and Syed Muhammad Hamid, Members
Judgment written by: Syed Rafique Hussain Shah Hon’able Member FST
Hon’able Members of FST has been set aside conditions(ii) & (iii) contained in the Finance Division’s O.M. No. F.1(3)R-1/2010/2014, dated 10.09.2014. The appellants are held to be entitled to all benefits of BPS-17 including Perks/Privileges, Pre-Mature Increment, Rental Ceiling/House Rent Allowance and Medical Allowance etc with effect from 10-09-2014, the date when the O.M. was passed.
Very Special Thanks to Mr. Muhammad Iqbal Awan, Suptd, Finance Division (Military), HIT Taxila Cantt providing to us a very useful court orders.