Govt. of Pakistan National Assembly Sectt: Notification No. F.3(4)/2020-E.I(163) dated 20-10-2020
Consequent upon recommendations of the Department Promotion Committee and with approval of the Competent Authority, following Senior Private Secretaries (BS-19) in the National Assembly Secretariat are granted Time Scale Up-gradation to BS-20 wef 22-09-2020:
Mr. Mehar Khan Chandio
Mr. Imdad Hussain
Mr. Sharafat Ali
Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Ranjha
Mr. Muhammad Khalid Usman
Mr. Muhammad Shafique
Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Khattak
- Their nomenclature and placement in seniority shall remain unchanged.
- They are allowed all benefits of BS-20 including perks/privileges, premature increment, retntal ceiling/house rent allowance and medical allowance, etc.
- This issue with approval of the competent authority i.e. Honourable Speaker.