Govt. of Pakistan, Ministry of Defence SRO No. O.1028(I)/2020 dated 9-Oct-2020
Federal Governament is pleased to direct that the following further amendment shall be made in the “Pay and Allowances” Regulations 2014.
Sr. No. | Rank | Revised Pay | Stages |
1. | Sepoy (SEP) | 12115-665-32065 | 30 |
2. | Lance Naik (LNK) | 12115-665-32065 | 30 |
3. | Naik (NK) | 12545-730-34445 | 30 |
4. | Havildar (HAV) | 12995-800-36995 | 30 |
5. | Naib Subedar (N/SUB) | 17210-1,155-51860 | 30 |
6. | Subedar (SUB) | 19710-1465-63660 | 30 |
7. | Subedar Major (SM) | 30780-1750-83280 | 30 |
ہمارے وطنِ عزیز کی سرحدوں کی حفاظت کرنیوالوں کی گرانقدر خدمات پر حکومت پاکستان کی جانب سے تنخواہوں میں فوری اضافہ

Revision of Pay Scales of Defence Security Force (DSF) – Amendments in Rules 65 (D) of Pay and Allowances Regulations Vol-1 (A) 2014 & AI No. 1/2018
Ministry of Def. U.O. No. 6/1/D-1/A-1/2020 dated: 09-October, 2020
The Federal Cabinet approved MOD’s “Summary for the Cabinet” dated 30th April 2020 on the above subject. Decision in case No. 354/Rules 19/2020 dated 20-05-2020 is as under:-
The Cabinet considered the summary dated 30th April, 2020 submitted by Defence Division, which was circulated in terms of rules 17(1)(b) read with rule 19(1) of the Rules of Business, 1973 for
“Revision of Pay Scales of Defence Security Force (DSF) – Amendments in Rules 65 (D) of Pay and Allowances Regulations Vol-1 (A) 2014 & AI No. 1/2018” and approved the proposal at Para 8 of the Summary.
After getting concurrence of Law & Justice Division to draft SRO, concurrence / vetting of Finance Division (Mily Finance Wing) and MAG’s Office Rwp Notification amend Regulation 65(D) of Pay and Allowances Regulations 2014 and AI 01/2020 regarding amendment/replacement dated 21.05.2018