Unfreeze/Revised “Special Judicial Allowance” (3 time of initial Basic Pay) from PayScale 2008 to PayScale 2017

Unfreeze/Revised “Special Judicial Allowance” (3 time of initial Basic Pay) from PayScale 2008 to PayScale 2017

Supreme Court of Pakistan, Notification No. F.1/37/2009-SCA dated 16-01-2019 Hon’able Chief Justice of Pakistan, having exercised powers in terms of Finance Division’s (Expenditure Wing) O.M. No. F.1(5)R.12/81 dated 24-11-1993 read with Rule 4 of the Supreme Court Establishment Service Rules, 2015 has been pleased to unfreeze “Special Judicial Allowance” which was admissible equal to three… Continue reading »

Up-Gradation of “Computer Personnel” (Punjab) on Recommendations of the Committee, headed by the Additional Chief Secretary

Up-Gradation of “Computer Personnel” (Punjab) on Recommendations of the Committee, headed by the Additional Chief Secretary

Govt. of the Punjab, Finance Dept. Notification No. FD.PC.40-43/2017(E) dated 14-12-2018 According to letter the “Computer Personnel” (Govt. of Punjab) carry different nomenclatures, pay scales and prescribed qualifications as given in columns B & C below. The Governor of the Punjab has been pleased to restructure these posts with prescribed qualifications, pay scales and designations… Continue reading »

Revision of Assistance Package for Families of Government Employees who die in Service Clarification (Deceased’s Children Education)

Revision of Assistance Package for Families of Government Employees who die in Service Clarification (Deceased’s Children Education)

Government of Pakistan, Establishment Division Notification / O.M. F.No. 8/64/2017 E-2 dated 22-Feb-2018 The Establishment Division is directed to refer to the FBR’s O.M. No. 3(5)CBR/Estate/06 (pt-IV) dated 21.11.2017 on the above subject and to say that the Term Public Government Education Institutions mean Government Institution, and the children of deceased Federal Government employees studying in… Continue reading »

Rules/Policy for Monetization of Transport Facility for Civil Servants (BS-20 TO BS-22)

Rules/Policy for Monetization of Transport Facility for Civil Servants (BS-20 TO BS-22)

Government Of Pakistan, Cabinet Secretariat (Cabinet Division, O.M / Notification No. No. 6/7/2011-CPC dated 12th December, 2011 The Federal Government has been pleased to approve the “Compulsory Monetization of Transport Facility for Civil Servants in BS-20 to  BS-22” to be implemented from 1st January, 2012, subject to fulfillment of the parameters of the Policy, which… Continue reading »

Grant of BPS-17 to the Superintendents BPS-16 in the Federal Government Ministries/ Divisions/Attached Departments/ Subordinate Offices

Grant of BPS-17 to the Superintendents BPS-16 in the Federal Government Ministries/ Divisions/Attached Departments/ Subordinate Offices

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division (Reg.wing) O.M / Notification No. 9(47)R-I/2015-520/2018 dated 15-11-2018 In pursuance of the Judgment of the Federal  Services Tribunal passed in Appeal Mps 102 to 110®CS/2015 titled Muhammad Israil and others and Supreme Court of Pakistan’s order dated 04-04-2017 passed in Civil Appeal Nos 2290-2298/2016 and CMAs No. 4077-4085/2016, the conditions… Continue reading »

Revision of Assistance Package for the Families of Government Employees Who Die in Service (Complete Clarifications)

Revision of Assistance Package for the Families of Government Employees Who Die in Service (Complete Clarifications)

Government of Pakistan, Establishment Division Notification / O.M. No.8/72/2018-E-II dated 9th-Nov-2018 The Establishment Division directed to refer to the subject noted above, and to state that it has come to the notice of the Competent Authority that the Ministries/Divisions/Attached Department/Subordinate Offices request for clarifications as to whether the service of employees who were appointed under… Continue reading »

Muhammad Siddique Tariq Joiya as New Military Accountant General (BS-21) in PMAD

Muhammad Siddique Tariq Joiya as New Military Accountant General (BS-21) in PMAD

Government of Pakistan, Auditor General of Pakistan (AGP) Notification dated dated 17-10-2018 the above subject to state that the Competent Authority (AGP) has been pleased to approve the posting / transfer of PA&AS Officers the name of Muhammad Siddique Tariq Joiya, BS-21, PA&AS Office for appointment / Posting as Military Accountant General (MAG) in Pakistan… Continue reading »

Promotion P.M.A.D Establishment as Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) BS-17 (51x) Oct-2018

Promotion P.M.A.D Establishment as Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) BS-17 (51x) Oct-2018

Promotion P.M.A.D Establishment as Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) BS-17 (51x) MAG’s Ltr:  286/AN/1570-XLV dated: 9-10-2018 Based on the recommendations of the Departmental Promotion Committee, held on 28-09-2018, the competent authority i.e. Secretary Defence has been pleased to approved the promotion of 51x officials, mentioned in Annexure “A” (25x PIPFA qualified SA/JA) and Annexure “B” (26x… Continue reading »

Revision of Assistance Package for the Families of Government Employees Who Die in Service (Audit & Accounts)

Revision of Assistance Package for the Families of Government Employees Who Die in Service (Audit & Accounts)

Government of Pakistan, Controller General of Accounts, Islamabad No. 247/CGA/ADMIN-II/02-13/Clarification/2017-18 dated 26-09-2018 The undersigned is directed to enclose herewith a copy of Establishment Division Notification / O.M. No.8/86/2018-E-2 dated 17-August-2018  on the above subject for information and necessary action at your end, please. As per Establishment Division O.M dated 17-August-2018 on the above subject and… Continue reading »

Not Terminate the services of any govt employees on regular/contract/adhoc basic

Not Terminate the services of any govt employees on regular/contract/adhoc basic

Prime Minister’s Office (Public), Islamabad Circular No. F.P.M(Cir)/2134/DS(G)/2018 dated 28th-August-2018 “Pursuant to Special Instructions from competent authority (Prime Minister) it is hereby advised not to “terminate the services of any employees, serving in subordinate staff/junior cadre on regular/contract/adhoc basic”, on any grounds including “disciplinary action” till further order”. Not applicable to superannuation & sub judice… Continue reading »