Govt. of Pakistan, Finance Division, Reg.Wing Notification/O.M. No. F.2(2)Reg.5/2010 Dated: 2nd-July-2018
The undersigned is directed to refer to para 7 of the Finance Division’s O.M. No. 1/7/Imp–II/87, dated 1st July 1987 and to state that the President has been pleased to allow the increase in the House Rent Allowance by 50% of the existing amounts of House Rent Allowance (HRA) admissible to the Federal Government Employees w.e.f 1-7-2018:-
In declared Big Cities
Existing Rate is 45% of the minimum of Basic Pay Scale 2008 to
Increase in the amount of HRA @ 50% of the existing amounts being drawn.
Other Cities
Existing Rate is 30% of the minimum of Basic Pay Scale 2008 to
Increase in the amount of HRA @ 50% of the existing amounts being drawn.