Judgment dated 02.08.2008 FST Appeal No. 748(R)CS/2007 filed the Mr. Rashid Mahmood, KPO(BS-10)
Before Mr. Rashid Mahmood Ansar and Syed Bilal Ahmed, Hon’able Member FST
Applicant with Mr. Haider Hussain Advocate, Supreme Court
SYED BILAL AHMED, MEMBER: The appellant has assiled impugned order of August 2007 through which he was relieved of duties on 23.08.2008 with the direction to report to CMA (QC) Quetta after availing minimum joining time.
That his transfer was violation of Transfer Policy 2006 of PMAD which provides out station transfer on the basis of seniority.
In reply, the respondents stated that the Transfer Policy has been framed for general posting/transfer, while the appellant has been posted on his promotion against the vacant post of Data Coder at Quetta. That the Transfer Policy was not applicable in the case of appellant. That the KPO’s were transferred after about 10 years stay at their respective stations and that too on promotion and exigencies of service.
In this view of the manner, transfer of the appellant is not sustainable and is, therefore, set aside. The respondents will be well advised to adhere to the Policy which they themselves have framed. The appeal succeeds.