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Revision of Recruitment Rules for the Non-Gazetted Posts in Military Engineer Service (MES)

Revision of Recruitment Rules for the Non-Gazetted Posts in Military Engineer Service (MES)

Govt of Pakistan, Establishment Division O.M / Notification No. 7/2/84-R-5 Dated 16-06-2016 The undersigned is directed to refer to the Ministry of Defence’s O.M. No. F.No.1/31/D-3(A-III)/10, dated 1st-April-2016 on the above subject and to convey the approval of the Establishment Division to the enclosed draft Recruitment Rules for the posts in Military Engineer Services (MEs)… Continue reading »

Prmotion of PMAD Establishment as “Assistant Accounts Officers (BS-17) from SA / JA in the Light of FST’s Judgment

Prmotion of PMAD Establishment as “Assistant Accounts Officers (BS-17) from SA / JA in the Light of FST’s Judgment

MAG’s Ltr No. 219/AN/1570-XLIV Dated 20/06/2016 Based on the recommendations of the Departmental Promotion Committee in the light of FST’s Judgment and a precedent case of AGP, the competent authority i.e. Secretary Defence has been pleased to approve the antedate promotion / promotion of 22x officials , mentioned in Annexure A, B & C to… Continue reading »

Grant of Higher Time Scale for BS-5 to BS-16 in AJK

Azad Government of the State of Jammu & Kashmir, Finance Department Notification No. FD/R/9161-9360/2016 dated 3rd June 2016 The President Azad Jammu & Kashmir has been pleased to approve that all Civil Servants of Azad Govt of the State of Jammu & Kashmir holding posts in Bs-5 to Bs-16, except those who are already availing… Continue reading »

FEDERAL BUDGET 2016-17: Relief Measures for Govt Employees; Increase in Pay & Allowances, Pension & Up-gradations of Posts

FEDERAL BUDGET 2016-17: Relief Measures for Govt Employees; Increase in Pay & Allowances, Pension & Up-gradations of Posts

According to Budget 2016-2017 Speech Pay and Allowances for Government Employees, Pensioners and Labor For Government employees, pensioners and workers I announce the following relief measures: Ad-hoc increases of 2013 and 2014 will be merged in the pay scales; 10% Adhoc Relief Allowance on running basic pay will be allowed to all federal government employees… Continue reading »

Revision of Assistance Package for Families of Government Employees who Die in Service, O.M. dated 18-May-2016

Govt. of Pakistan Establishment Division O.M. No. 7/26/2016-E-2, dated 18-May-2016 Establishment Division is directed to refer to this Division’s O.M No. 8/10/2013-E-2 (Pt) dated 4-December-2015 on the above captioned subject. It is informed that the Prime Minister has been pleased to approve with effect from 11-May-2016 that employees of Provincial Governments who are working in… Continue reading »

Simplification of Pension Form CSR-25 (Revised) by Finance Division

Govt. of Pakistan, Finance Division (Regulation Wing) No. F.12(9)-Reg.6/2012-474 dated: 02-Apr-2016 Finance Division is directed to enclose Simplified Pension Form No. 25 (Revised 2016) and 25- (Revised 2016) Alongwith annexures A, B & C prepared on the direction of Finance Minister, for adoption and further circulation. Click here for download the above Pension Forms

Clarification of Time Scale Promotion of Stenographers in Punjab

Clarification of Time Scale Promotion of Stenographers in Punjab

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued Notification on 05-05-2016 in connection with Clarification of Time Scale Promotion of Stenographers. According to this Notification, the case has been examined. Finance Department observes that according to service rules (notified on 19-09-2005) the post of Superintendent (BPS-16) now in BPS-17 is filled by promotion through selection… Continue reading »

Medical Risk Allowance (Health Allowance) equal to basic pay and LPR as granted to Officers BS-21 & BS-22, FST issued the direction

Medical Risk Allowance (Health Allowance) equal to basic pay and LPR as granted to Officers BS-21 & BS-22, FST issued the direction

Before Dr. Nazir Saeed & Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmed, Members FST, Date of Hearing 18-03-2016 and Date of Order 21-03-2016 in Appeal No 332-333(R)CS-2016, Case filed by Dr. Muhammad Mazhar Alam, Medical Officer Lala Rukh Wah Cantt Vs Secy Def.Production, Secy M/o Finance & Dir Admin POF 1. The appellant has prayed that the Medical Risk Allowance… Continue reading »