Author Archives: Chief Admin

FST ‘set aside’ the transfer of KPO due to violation of Transfer Policy 2006 in PMAD

FST ‘set aside’ the transfer of KPO due to violation of Transfer Policy 2006 in PMAD

Judgment dated 02.08.2008 FST Appeal No. 748(R)CS/2007 filed the Mr. Rashid Mahmood, KPO(BS-10)Before Mr. Rashid Mahmood Ansar and Syed Bilal Ahmed, Hon’able Member FSTApplicant with Mr. Haider Hussain Advocate, Supreme Court Judgment:SYED BILAL AHMED, MEMBER: The appellant has assiled impugned order of August 2007 through which he was relieved of duties on 23.08.2008 with the… Continue reading »