Govt. of Pakistan, Finance Division (Reg. Wing) Letter No. F.7(9)R-3/2015-286/2017 Dated 1st-Nov-2017
Subject: Order Passed in Review Petition No. 01 to 04 in Appeal No. 3447, 3448, 3462 & 3483(R)CS/2012 filed by Syed Faiz Shah & Others Vs Finance Division etc.
Finance Division refer to CGA letter dated 17-10-2017, on the subject noted above and to state that the Order Passed in Review Petition No. 01 to 04 in Appeal No. 3447, 3448, 3462 & 3483(R)CS/2012 is not a case of individual relief but a matter of public importance which involves substantial quest of law and facts affecting Government Policies on service matters entailing huge finance repercussions as well. Since the matter needs adjudication, therefore, Finance Division has decided, in consultation with M/o Law & Justice to move CPLA (Civil Petition for Leave to Appeal) in Supreme Court of Pakistan.
Keeping in view the above mentioned position as well as the limitation prescribed by the court, the matter is under process in the Finance Division. Therefore, it is advised to wait for the outcome of the decision which will be communicated in due course of time.