MAG’s Office DPC No. 64/AN/1587-XVIII dated 4th July, 2016
DPC held on 29-06-2016
Non-Graduate Junior Auditors (JAs) Promoted = 120 (Last Appointee on 31-07-1988)
Graduate Junior Auditors (JAs) Anti-dated Promoted = 256 (Last Appointee on 03-02-2006)
Graduate Junior Auditors (JAs) fresh Promoted = 30
Total Promoted Junior Auditors = 406
Date of Promotion w.e.f. 31-12-2013
In pursuance of judgment of FST Lahore and on the recommendations of DPC in its meeting held on 29-06-2016 MAG has been pleased to approve the promotion of Junior Auditors (B-11) to Senior Auditor (B-16) as enlisted Annexure A & B in an officiating capacity w.e.f 31-12-2013 and until further orders. Before, their promotion is notified, it should be ensured that the individuals mentioned in Annexure A & B have completed seven years and two years qualifying service respectively as Junior Auditor prior to the date of their promotion as Senior Auditors.
The promotion of the individuals mentioned in the Annexure B has been done on acquiring graduation qualification, therefore, necessary verification of the original degree etc should be made by your office before notifying the casualty.
It may further be ensured that all of them are borne on the effective strength of your office on the date of their promotion. The individuals who were on deputation on the date of promotion will not be promoted till their repatriation / reversion to the parent department. Similary, the individuals who hade been removed / retired / dismissed or resigned from service prior to 31-12-2013 or those who were under suspension will not be promoted.
Mr. Atta Ullah Khan JA/20160 depicted at S.No. 120 of Annexure A (Non-Graduate Quota) is appointee of 31-07-1988 and Mr. Muhammad Zain Ullah JA/25379 depicted at S.No. 286 of Annexure B (Graduate Quota) is appointee of 03-02-2006, please ensure that no individual junior to them has been promoted as Senior Auditor (B-16)