Promotion P.M.A.D Establishment as Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) BS-17 (139x SA, JA & Seniority cum Fitness)

Promotion P.M.A.D Establishment as Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) BS-17 (139x SA, JA & Seniority cum Fitness)

Promotion P.M.A.D Establishment as Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) BS-17 (139x) MAG’s Ltr 1149/AN/1570-XLV dated: 27-03-2018 Long time later, the junior auditors stepped into the Assistant Accounts Officer’s Promotion (BS-11 to BS-17) after amendment the Recruitment Rules phase in the Military Accounts Department. Based on the recommendations of the Department Promotion Committee, the competent authority i.e…. Continue reading »

Up-gradation of Ministerial Posts (For Contractual Employees under PM’s Assistance Package)

Up-gradation of Ministerial Posts (For Contractual Employees under PM’s Assistance Package)

Government of the Pakistan, Establishment Division Notification / O.M. F. No. 8/90/2016 E-2 dated 23rd Feb, 2018 The undersigned is directed to refer to the above noted subject and to say that as earlier clarified by this Division vide O.M. No. 7/6/2002-R-6 (Pt-II) dated 11-01-2017, the contractual employees appointed under the Prime Minister’s Assistance Package… Continue reading »

Illegally suspension of All Pakistan Military Accounts Employees Association on 25-01-2018 by MAG’s Office

Illegally suspension of All Pakistan Military Accounts Employees Association on 25-01-2018 by MAG’s Office

MAG’s Office ltr No. 1059/AN/03/Appx/C-III/2017 dated 25-01-2018 Establishment of Welfare Offices, In order to streamline and improve the welfare of the employees of PMAD, the MAG has been pleased to direct all the Controllers to implement the following points in their offices for the welfare of the employees.Working of PMAD associations stand suspended till framing… Continue reading »

Ms Zeba Gul as new CMA (Pension) & Majid Saeed Ranjha as CMA(OP), AGP’s Office issued the order of Transfer / Posting of 36x PA&AS officers

Ms Zeba Gul as new CMA (Pension) & Majid Saeed Ranjha as CMA(OP), AGP’s Office issued the order of Transfer / Posting of 36x PA&AS officers

Auditor General of Pakistan (AGP) Notification No. 121-Dir(A)/2-4/2017 dated 19-12-2017 Ms Zeba Gul as new CMA (Pension) & Majid Saeed Ranjha as CMA(OP), AGP’s Office issued the order of Transfer / Posting of 27-PA&AS officers Name From To Zeba Gul Director, Pakistan Audit and Accounts Academy, Lahore (ACB) Controller Military Accounts (Pension), Lahore Muhammad Mazhar… Continue reading »

GRANT OF 100% AUDIT & ACCOUNT ALLOWANCE – Finance Division to move CPLA in Supreme Court of Pakistan (Nov-2017)

GRANT OF 100% AUDIT & ACCOUNT ALLOWANCE – Finance Division to move CPLA in Supreme Court of Pakistan (Nov-2017)

Govt. of Pakistan, Finance Division (Reg. Wing) Letter No. F.7(9)R-3/2015-286/2017 Dated 1st-Nov-2017 Subject: Order Passed in Review Petition No. 01 to 04 in Appeal No. 3447, 3448, 3462 & 3483(R)CS/2012 filed by Syed Faiz Shah & Others Vs Finance Division etc. Finance Division refer to CGA letter dated 17-10-2017, on the subject noted above and… Continue reading »

Up-gradation of Accountant (BS-14) to BS-16 of Federal Govt Educational Institutions (C&G):: LHC issued the Order

Up-gradation of Accountant (BS-14) to BS-16 of Federal Govt Educational Institutions (C&G):: LHC issued the Order

Before Shahid Mobeen, Hon’able Judge, Lahore High Court, Rawalpindi Bench, Rawalpindi. Case filed by Mr. Muhammad Nasir ul Mustafa & Others Vs Federation of Pakistan etc in WP No. 1048/2017, Mr. Muhammad Bashir Kiayani Advocate for Petitioners High Court issued the order on 24-10-2017 According to Court Order,  this petition stands disposed of by setting… Continue reading »