Category Archives: Uncategorized

Revision of Rental Ceilings for Hiring of Residential Accommodation at Six Specified Stations i.e. Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Quetta, Karachi & Peshawar

Revision of Rental Ceilings for Hiring of Residential Accommodation at Six Specified Stations i.e. Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Quetta, Karachi & Peshawar

Revision of Rental Ceilings for Hiring of Residential Accommodation at Six Specified Stations i.e. Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Quetta, Karachi & Peshawar Govt. of Pakistan, Ministry of Housing & Works, O.M. No. F.4(8)/92-Policy dated 25-June-2018 The Federal Government is pleased to enhance retntal ceiling for hiring of residential accommodation in Federal Ministries/Divisions/Attached Departments / Subordinate Offices… Continue reading »

Illegally suspension of All Pakistan Military Accounts Employees Association on 25-01-2018 by MAG’s Office

Illegally suspension of All Pakistan Military Accounts Employees Association on 25-01-2018 by MAG’s Office

MAG’s Office ltr No. 1059/AN/03/Appx/C-III/2017 dated 25-01-2018 Establishment of Welfare Offices, In order to streamline and improve the welfare of the employees of PMAD, the MAG has been pleased to direct all the Controllers to implement the following points in their offices for the welfare of the employees.Working of PMAD associations stand suspended till framing… Continue reading »

Up-gradation of Accountant (BS-14) to BS-16 of Federal Govt Educational Institutions (C&G):: LHC issued the Order

Up-gradation of Accountant (BS-14) to BS-16 of Federal Govt Educational Institutions (C&G):: LHC issued the Order

Before Shahid Mobeen, Hon’able Judge, Lahore High Court, Rawalpindi Bench, Rawalpindi. Case filed by Mr. Muhammad Nasir ul Mustafa & Others Vs Federation of Pakistan etc in WP No. 1048/2017, Mr. Muhammad Bashir Kiayani Advocate for Petitioners High Court issued the order on 24-10-2017 According to Court Order,  this petition stands disposed of by setting… Continue reading »

Repatriation without any legal justification inasmuch

Repatriation without any legal justification inasmuch

Lahore High Court Multan Bench issued the order in WP No. 10992/2017 case of Mr. Muhammad Tahir (Repatriate from AG-Punjab)  Vs Federation of Pakistan LHC order dated: 10-08-2017 Before Mr. Justice Muhammad Ameer Bhatti, Lahore High Court Multan Bench – as per order “On last date of hearing viz 09-08-2017 learned Law Officer was directed… Continue reading »

Jobs (Class-IV) in Pakistan Military Accounts Department (77 Posts, BPS-1 to BPS-4), Last Date for apply 17/08/2017

Jobs (Class-IV) in Pakistan Military Accounts Department (77 Posts,  BPS-1 to BPS-4), Last Date for apply 17/08/2017

Military Accountant General’s announced jobs are for fresh civilians who are just Matric / under Matric pass against the following positions such as (Despatch Rider, DMO, Naib Qasid, Farash, Sweeper and Mali) based at Rawalpindi, Lahore, Peshawar, Karachi, Multan, Quetta Cantt, Gilgit. Sr. No. 1 is on Open Merit quota and all other positions will… Continue reading »

Amendment in Recruitment Rules of Accounts Cadre in PMAD (2017)

Amendment in Recruitment Rules of Accounts Cadre in PMAD (2017)

Statutory Notification of Amendment in Recruitment Rules of Accounts Cadre in PMAD Govt. of Pakistan, Ministry of Defence Notification/SRO No. 614(I)/2017 dated 12th-June-2017 Promotion of Senior/Junior Auditos (SA/JA) to Asstt: Accounts Officer (AAO) BPS-17 having qualified the APE/SAS/PIPFA/ICMA=67% 33% Senior Auditors would be considered for promotion as AAO on Seniority Cum Fitness Basis In exercise… Continue reading »

Grant of Efficiency Honorarium:: MAG has been pleased to sanction the Ef.Hon. equal to One Month’s Basic Pay

Grant of Efficiency Honorarium:: MAG has been pleased to sanction the Ef.Hon. equal to One Month’s Basic Pay

In recognition of the contribution of employees to improve the efficiency of the department and to provide the paramount services to the client organizations. MAG has been pleased to sanction the efficiency honorarium equal to One Month’s Basic Pay in respect of the officers/officials (BPS-01 to BPS-18) posted at your effective strength including the officers/staff… Continue reading »