Promotion of Data Entry Operator (B-12) to Data Control Officer (B-16) in PMAD

By   February 5, 2017

MAG’s Office Ltr No. 166/AN/704-DEO/Prom-VI dated 2nd-Feb-2017, (Promotion quota as per recruitment rules 75:25 )

Based upon the recommendations of the DPC in its meeting held on 02-02-2017, the MAG has been pleased to approve the promotion of Data Entry Operators (DEO)B-12 enlisted in affiliated Annexure ‘A’ as Data Control Officers (B-16) on Seniority cum fitness basis in an officiating capacity, until further orders and posted to the offices mentioned against each. They will be promoted from the date they assume the charge of the post of Data Control Officer (B-16). Before, however, their promotion is notified, it should be ensured that the individuals mentioned in Annexure ‘A’ have completed five years qualifying service respectively as Data Entry Operator B-12 prior to the date of the promotion as Data Control Officer (B-16). It my further be ensured that all of them are borne on the effective strength of your office on the date of their promotion. The individuals who are on deputation at present will not be promoted until they repatriate/revert to the department. Similarly, the individuals who have been removed / retired/dismissed or resigned from the service or those who are under suspension will not be promoted.

2. The period of absence of any individual, regularized, as EOL by the Competent Authority, is not recknoable as service qualifying for pension as such the same should not be counted towards the prescribed length of five years service for promotion. The facts may kindly be verified from their service record at your end and cases of the individuals not fulfilling the laid down conditions may, thus not be promoted and be referred to this office for further orders.
3. The Official who have been promoted as Data Control Officers (B-16) will remain on probation for a period of one year (commencing from the date of issue of your office order) and a report regarding their fitness or otherwise for retention in that grade will be submitted to this office on expiry of the above period.
4. Mr. Muhammad Yaqub  DEO/36289 dpicated at S.No. 4 of Annex ‘A’ is appointee 18-09-2007. Please ensure that no individual junior to him has been promoted as Data Control Officer.

CONGRATULATION to all DEOs promoted as DCOs by
List is available including their Names, Officer where serving and office where posted after promotion.


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