Anti-dated Promotion of Matric Pass Class-IV Employees as Junior Auditor (JA) BS-11 in PMAD w.e.f 01-01-2014

By   January 10, 2017

MAG’s DPC Ltr No. 363/AN/704-R/Clk-XIII Dated: 10-Jan-2017

The competent authority i.e. MAG on the recommendations of the DPC has been pleased to approve the promotion of 41x Class-IV officials (B-1 to B-4) as JA (B-11) enlisted in Annexure-A to this letter in an officiating capacity wef 01-01-2014 as noted against their names.
The said promotion of these officials is being made on the basic of acquiring academic Matric qualification prior to 31-12-2013 under the provision contained in Ex-Recruitment Rules vide Estb: Division O.M. No. 4/4/90/R.5 dated 30-11-1990 and vacancies of JA (B-11) available for the purpose as on 01-01-2014. Accordingly, necessary verification of their original Secondary School Certificates Examination should be made from respective Education Boards. It may be ensured that they were on your effective strength as on 01-01-2014.
The officials promoted as Junior Auditor (B-11) will remian on probation for a period of one year commencing from the date of issue of your office order. The cases of officials on completion of probation period satisfactory or otherwise will be finalized and necessary office orders to this effect will be issued by the concerned offices accordingly. The cases of individuals if not found suitable suitable for retention in the cadre of Junior Auditors grade (B-11) may be referred to this office for further orders.
Mr. Gulraiz Ahmed Frash/45695 depicted at S.No. 41 of Annexure-A is appointee of 11-10-2000 and acquired Matric qualification on 01-10-1996. Please ensure that no class-IV employees junior to him or acquired Matric qualification after 31-12-2013 has been promoted as Junior Auditor (B-11).

President Class-IV Association Rwp Mr. Zaman Abbas NQ/31274 and Ex-President Class-IV Mr. Muhammad Yasin Frash/43155 has been also promoted as Junior Auditor BS-11.


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