Federal Government Educational Institutions
Congratulation to all Accountsnts of FGEI |
General Hq. IGT&E Branch, FGEI (Cantts/Garrisons) Dte, Sir Syed Road, Rawalpindi issued the notification regarding up-gradation of Accountants BPS-11 to BPS-14 vide
No. 0409/6/77 - FGEI (NTS) dated: 26th June, 2013
Read by Name Notification»
In pursuance of Finance Division (Regulation Wing) F.No. 1(3)R-I/2010-67, dated 30th Oct. 2012, the posts of "Accuntant" are hereby up-graded from BPS-11 to BPS-14 under Federal Government Educational Institutions (Cantts/Garrisons). Following Accountants working in the office/institutions as mentioned against each are placed in BPS-14 with effect from 30 Oct 2012.
Finance Division approved the Up-gradation of Accountant BS-11 to BS-14 -
Subject:: Anomalies - Upgradation of Clerical/Auditors Posts
Finance Division F.No. 1(3)R-I/2010-67 Dated 30th October, 2012 |
Read Finance Division Notification »
Approval of Finance Division to upgrade the posts of Accountant from BPS-11 to BPs-14, with immediate effect, under the Federal Government Education Institutions (Cantt. & Garrisons) Directorate |
Accountant BS-11 to BS-14 as analogy of Federal Directorate of Education Islamabad
Read Establishment O.M » | (Mr. Nisar-ul Mustafa, Rep) |
Case filed in FST Islamabad and FST issued the Judgment in the Favour of Accountant of FGEI (CG) on 25th July, 2011
30th October, 2012::
Up-gradation of Accountant BS-11 to BS-14 (FGEI-CG) has been approved by Secretary Finance Office Memorandum will be issued on 30th Oct. 2012
Congratualtion to all Accountants performing duties all over pakistan from (PMADIT.com) "Employees Network of Pakistan" & Mr. Muhammad Nisar-ul-Mustafa, Accountant FG Fazaia Sec. School, PAF Base Chaklala, Rawalpindi. |
Great Thanks to Al-mighty Allah | Heartiest Congratulations!
to All Accountants of FGEI (C/G)
General Hq. IGT&E Branch, FGEI (Cantts/Garrisons) Dte, Rawalpindi issued the notification regarding
up-gradation of Accountants BPS-11 to BPS-14 vide No. 0409/6/77 - FGEI (NTS) dated: 26th June, 2013
In pursuance of Finance Division (Regulation Wing) F.No. 1(3)R-I/2010-67, dated 30th Oct. 2012, the posts of "Accuntant" are hereby up-graded from BPS-11 to BPS-14 under Federal Government Educational Institutions (Cantts/Garrisons). Following Accountants working in the office/institutions as mentioned against each are placed in BPS-14 with effect from 30 Oct 2012. Read for next>
(Info provided by Mr. Nisar-ul Mustafa, Accountant) Chaklala
Download complete notification as PDF format » |
آپ لوگوں کو بھی اپ گریڈیشن اُسی تاریخ سے ملنی چاہیے جس تاریخ سے فیڈرل ڈائریکٹوریٹ آف ایجوکیشن اسلام آباد کے اکاؤٹنٹ حضرات کو دی گئی ہے یعنی جولائی ۲۰۰۷ سے۔ اس کے حصول کیلئے پہلے اپنی پے فیکس کروائیں اور پھر پچیس جولائی سے پہلے پہلے اپنی درخواستیں جمع کرادیں کہ ہمارے ساتھ ناانصافی ہوئی ہے جس تاریخ اُنہیں اپ گریڈیشن ملی ہمیں بھی اُسی تاریخ سے دیں۔ |
.. |
کیا آپ جانتے ہیں
توجہ فرمائیے
General Hq. IGT&E Branch, FGEI (Cantts/Garrisons) Dte, Rawalpindi issued the notification regarding
up-gradation of Accountants BPS-11 to BPS-14 vide No. 0409/6/77 - FGEI (NTS) dated: 26th June, 2013
by: Civil Servants Awareness Cell
of Employees Network of Pakistan |
October 1, 2012:: The case of up-gradation from BPS-11 to BPS-14 of Accountants of Federal Govt Educational Institutions is under process. The Federal Services Tribunal Islamabad has already issued orders for the up-gradation of the Accountants in Aug 2011 but the Ministry of Finance still linger on the case due to unknown reasons. The ministry of Finance has many times demanded various documents as proof that were provided by the concerned authorities but the same ministry continues still to linger on the subject case. The up-gradation of the Accountants is expected soon. |
Related Link!
FST's Judgement for DEO's Up-gradation in BS-14 (FBR)
FST's Judgement of Data Coder/Data Control Supervisor in BS-16 (FBR)