Clarification regarding Senior Scale Stenographer BS-16 (Punjab) Government of the Punjab, Finance Department vide No. F.D. PC.14-38/78 (Pt.V)
dated: 25th Feb. 2013
Punjab Government, Finance Deparmtent has upgraded the posts of Stenographers/PAs/Private Secretaries vide Notification No.FD.PC.14-38/78(Pt.V) dated 12.02.2013.
Up-Gradation Notification
No. FD(SR-IV)2-65/2012 Karachi dated: 21/03/2013
Government of the Sindh, Finance Department Private Secretary (BS-17 to BS-18),
Stenographer/Senior Scale Stenographer (BS-15 to BS-16)
Stenotypist/ Junior Scale Stenographer (BS-12 to BS-14)
Govt. of Punjab - Finance Department
Clarification regarding Senior Scale Stenographer BS-16
No. F.D. PC.14-38/78 (Pt.V) dated: 25th Feb. 2013
Government of the Punjab, Finance Department
Finance Department, Punjab clarified that the term 'Gazetted and Non-Gazetted" has since been dispensed with under Rule 5 of the Punjab Civil Servants (Change in Nomenclature of Services & Abortion of Classes) Rules, 1974. Now the terms "Officer and Officials" exisist and the same are defined in the Punjab Finance Rules Vol-1 as under:
1.28A "Officer" means Government Servant holding a post in National Pay Scale No. 16 or higher National Pay Scale.
1.28-B "Official" means a Government Servant holding a posts in National Pay Scale No. 1 to 15.
Up-Gradation Notification
No. F.D. PC.14-38/78 (Pt.V) dated: 12th Feb. 2013
Government of the Punjab, Finance Department
Up-gradation of Private Secretaries, Stenographers & Steno Typist
Govt of Punjab
Published in Daily Nawa-e-Waqt, Lahore on 18-11-2012
Provincial Civil Servant
Government of Sindh
Up-gradation of Private Secretaries, Stenographers & Steno Typist
Govt. of Sindh :: Writ petition filed in Sindh High Court, Karachi Notice issued to Chief & Finance Secretaries of Govt. of Sindh
The existing Stenographers (PAs)/Steno-typists already working in BS-16 and BS-14 from 1983 (rendering 30 years service in BS-16 and BS-14) have been deprived to consider/ give any promotion benefit, whereas they have only one to two years service to attain the age of superannuation, how they would get promotion benefit of Private Secretary (BS-17/BS-18)? The existing Stenographers/Steno-typists working in BS-16/14 may be granted time scale BS-17/BS-16.
Time Scale Promotion Case is under process in Establishment/Finance Division
under process.........
Sr. No.
Post / Up-gradtion Criteria
The Post of Stenotypist may be up-graded from BS-12 to BS-14 with enhancement of qualification for initial appointment from Matriculation to Intermediate.
The post of Stenographer may be up-graded from BS-15 to BS-16 with enhancement of qualification for initial appointment from Intermediate to Graduation.
Private Secretary
The post of Private Secretary (BS-17) may continue to remain in BS-17 and may be grandted BS-18 after putting in 5 years satisfactory service instead of 7 years. The Private Secretaries in BS-18 may further be granted BS-19 after putting in 12 years service in BS-17 and above taking benefit of Establishment Division O.M. No. I/9/80-RII, dated 2-6-1983. However, on grant of BS-19 nomenclature of the post can be "Senior Private Secretary".
In pursuance of judgement of the Federal Service Tribunal and advice tendered by the Law, Justice & Parlimanetary Affaris Division vide their U.O. Note No. 630/2011-Law-I dated 11-07-2011, the existing Private Secretaries in BS-17 may be granted "BS-18 on a one time basis."