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Pakistan Military Accounts Department
Revision & Other Orders/Circulars/Memorandums
Promotion P.M.A.D Establishment as Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) BS-17
MAG’s Ltr 286/AN/1570-XLV dated: 9-10-2018
51x SAs/JAs Promoted as AAO (25x PIPFA qualified & 26x on seniority cum fitness)09-10-2018
PMADPromotion P.M.A.D Establishment as Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) BS-17
(139x SA/JA & 33% SA on Seniority cum Fitness)
MAG’s Ltr 1149/AN/1570-XLV dated: 27-03-2018
Qualified, 30x SAs (Accting Charge) & 57x (SAs) on seniority cum fitness, 31x SAs PIPFA & 21x JAs PIPFA = total 139 SAs27-03-2018
PMADPromotion P.M.A.D Establishment as Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) BS-17 on seniority cum Fitness (33% quota) :: MAG Office Ltr No. 901/AN/1570-XLV dated 1st Feb, 2017:: 105x SAs promoted as AAO on seniority cum fitness basis against 33% promotion quota Promotion P.M.A.D Establishment as Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) BS-17:: MAG Office Ltr No. 901/AN/1570-XLV dated 29th May, 2015:: 42x SAs APE Qualified & 21x SAs on seniority cum fitness = total 63 SAs PROMOTION OF ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICERS (BS-17) AS ACCOUNTS OFFICERS (BS-18) IN THE P.M.A.D. MAG Ltr. No. 639/AN/218-XXX dated 16th April, 2015 PROMOTION P.M.A.D ESTABLISHMENT AS "ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICERS" (AAO) BS-17 :: MAG's Office Ltr No. 532/AN/1570-XLV Dated: 15-04-2015:: Approve the Promotion of 54x Officials (31x SAs on qualification of PIPFA Winter2014 & 23x SAs on Seniority-cum-Fitness 33%) Download as PDF Format» PROMOTION PMAD ESTABLISHMENT AS "ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICER" (B-17): Senior Auditor BS-16 to AAO (BS-17) MAG's Ltr No. 60/AN/1570-XLIV dated 16th-Jan-2015: Total: 50x official has been promoted 26x SAS/PIPFA qualified and 14x against 33% promotion quota. PROMOTION OF BELOW BS-11 EMPLOYEES AS JUNIOR AUDITOR (BS-11) IN THE PMAD (35) (NQs, Daftary, DRs, Telephone Operator, Chowkeedar & Sweeper = Total 35) MAG's Office Order/Notification No. No. 247/AN/704-RC/Clerk-XI dated 13th-Nov-2014 Read Order » Promotion of Junior Auditor BS-11 to BS-16 As Senior Auditor in PMAD (239 Graduate-upto 2005, 115 Com/Graduate upto2009)
MAG's Office Order/Notification No. 622/AN/1587-XVII dated 22nd July, 2014
Download as PDF Format» Read Order » PROMOTION OF ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICERS (BS-17) AS ACCOUNTS OFFICERS (BS-18) IN THE P.M.A.D. MAG Ltr. No. 97/AN/218-XXX dated 02nd April, 2014 (57 AAOs has been promoted as AO in DPC dated 20-March2014) Download as PDF Format» Promotion P.M.A.D Establishment as Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) BS-17 Senior Auditors BS-16 to AAO BS-17 Promotion in Military Accounts :: (A) On qualification of APE Part-II held on 10/2011 & 12/2012 [27 persons] , (B) On 33% quota Seniority cum-fitness basis [14 persons] (C) On qualification of ICMA basis [3 persons) MAG letter No. 944/AN/1570-XLIV dated 24th January, 2014
Download as PDF Format» Promotion of Assistant Accounts Officers (BS-17) As "Account Officer" (BS-18) in the PMAD
62 AAO Promote as AO in Pakistan Military Accounts Deaprtment
Latest promotion orders Promotion P.M.A.D Establishment as Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) BS-17 on seniority cum Fitness (33% quota) ::
MAG Office Ltr No. 901/AN/1570-XLV dated 1st Feb, 2017:: 105x SAs promoted as AAO on seniority cum fitness basis against 33% promotion quota
Promotion P.M.A.D Establishment as
Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) BS-17
MAG Office Ltr No. 901/AN/1570-XLV dated 29th May, 2015Based on the recommendations of the DPC, the competent authority Secretary Defence has been pleased to approve the promotion of 63x Senior Auditors BS-16 to AAO BS-17 in an officiating capacity till further order. 42x SAs APE Qualified & 21x SAs on seniority cum fitness = total 63 SAs
MAG Ltr. No. 639/AN/218-XXX dated 16th April, 2015
Having been approved for promotion as 46-Accounts Officers by the Competent Authority Secretary Defence, the following Assistant Accounts Officers except as Serial No. 02 and 03, are promoted as Accounts Officers w.e.f. 02-04-2015 or the dates they which ever is later, until further orders. Efforts have been made to adjust the officer nearest to their home stations against the deficiencies/available vacancies. No representation against the above posting/transfer will thus be entertained.
Contratulation of the Military Accountant General may also be conveyed to the concerned officers.
List is available including their Names, Officer where serving and office where posted after promotion.
Senior Auditor BS-16 to AAO (BS-17)
MAG's Office Ltr No. 532/AN/1570-XLV Dated: 15-04-2015
Approve the Promotion of 54x Officials (31x Senior Auditors on qualification of PIPFA
Winter2014 & 23x SAs on Seniority-cum-Fitness 33% promotion quota)Based on the recommendations of the Departmental Promotion Committee, the competent Authority i.e. Secretary Defence has been pleased to approve the promotion of 54x officials, as Assistant Accounts Officers (AAO) BS-17 in an officiating capacity till further orders.
The Promtoion of these officials will take effect from the date of meeting of DPC i.e. 02-04-2015. The Assistant Accounts Officer thus promoted have been placed at the disposal of the Controller office noted against their names who will issued their posting orders in the usual manner. They will remain on probation for a period of one year commencing from the date of issue of your officer order notifying the casualty.
On complete of probation period satisfactorily by the indiviuals named in Annex-A&B necessary office order to that effect will be published by the Controller concerned. Cases of the individuals who are not found suitable for retention as AAO (B-17) during their probation period will be referred to this office for orders of the worthy MAG well in time before the date of completion of probation period.
Special thanks to Mr. Zubair Sb. for providing the orders. Download Complete letter with list as PDF Format»
Senior Auditor BS-16 to AAO (BS-17)
MAG's Ltr No. 60/AN/1570-XLIV dated 16th-Jan-2015:
Total: 50x official has been promoted 26x SAS/PIPFA qualified and 14x against 33% promotion quota.Based on the recommendations of the Departmental Promotion Committee, the competent Authority i.e. Secretary Defence has been pleased to approve the promotion of 50x officials, as Assistant Accounts Officers (AAO) BS-17 in an officiating capacity till further orders.
The Promtoion of these officials will take effect from the date of meeting of DPC i.e. 08-01-2015. The Assistant Accounts Officer thus promoted have been placed at the disposal of the Controller office noted against their names who will issued their posting orders in the usual manner. They will remain on probation for a period of one year commencing from the date of issue of your officer order notifying the casualty.
On complete of probation period satisfactorily by the indiviuals named in Annex-A&B necessary office order to that effect will be published by the Controller concerned. Cases of the individuals who are not found suitable for retention as AAO (B-17) during their probation period will be referred to this office for orders of the worthy MAG well in time before the date of completion of probation period.
Special thanks to Mr. Rizwan Farooqi Sb. for providing the orders. Download Complete letter with list as PDF Format»(PIPFA Qualified JAs have been deprived of their legal perks and privileges like promotion as AAO BS-17)
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(Naib Qasids, Daftary, DRs, Telephone Operator, Chowkeedar & Sweeper = Total 35)
MAG's Office Order/Notification No. No. 247/AN/704-RC/Clerk-XI dated 13th-Nov-2014On the recommendations of the DPC in its meeting held on 29-10-2014, MAG has been pleased to approve the promotion of 35 Officials serving in B-1 to B-10 enlisted in Annexure-A to this letter as Junior Auditors (B-11) in an officiating capacity and until further orders. Their promotion will take effect from the date of assumption of charge of the post of Junior Auditor (B-11).
The Said promotion of these officials is bening made on the basis of acquiring Graduation qualification on the dates noted againste each and Computer Literacy Certificates. Hence, necessary verification of their original Degrees/Certificates should be made from respective Universities/institutions before notifying the casulty and a certificate in this regard may please be forwarded to this office over the signature of the Controller.
(239 Graduate-upto 2005, 115 Com/Graduate upto2009)
MAG's Office Order/Notification No. 622/AN/1587-XVII dated 22nd July, 2014
On the recommendations of DPC held on 18-07-2014 MAG has been pleased to approve the promotion of Junior Auditors (B-11) to Senior Auditor (B-16). CONGRATULATION TO ALL NEWLY PROMOTED ACCOUNTS OFFICERS PROMOTION OF ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICERS (BS-17) AS
MAG Ltr. No. 97/AN/218-XXX dated 02nd April, 2014
Having been approved for promotion as 57-Accounts Officers by the Competent Authority Secretary Defence, the following Assistant Accounts Officers except as Serial No. 09, 11, 12 and 39, are promoted as Accounts Officers w.e.f. 20-03-2014 or the dates they which ever is later, until further orders. Efforts have been made to adjust the officer nearest to their home stations against the deficiencies/available vacancies. No representation against the above posting/transfer will thus be entertained.
Contratulation of the Military Accountant General may also be conveyed to the concerned officers.
List is available including their Names, Officer where serving and office where posted after promotion.
3. It is pertinent to inform that last 03x AAOs have been promoted against the provisional vacancies emerged due to deputation. In case of repatriation of the deputationist and consequent excess in sanctioned strength, the junior most promoted AO will be reverted to his parent designation.
4. The officer may be relieved of their present duties forthwith with the direction to take over charge their new assignment, within the minimum joining time and compliance report be submitted within 03 days positively.
5. The officers will remain on probation for a period of one year and reports regarding their fitness or otherwise may be notified by the Controller concerned under intimation to this office.
6. Further necessary action in the matter mayu please be taken accordingly and compies of office orders notifying the casualties be endoresed to this office.
7. I.C.P. Charts in respect of the officers concerned may be prepared and forwarded to this office on priority basis.
8. 9x Posting/transfer of Accounts Officers have also been approved in public interest. Deferred due to disciplinary proceedings
Mr. Atta ul Islam AAO/20205 CMA (QC) Quetta, Misbah Zeb AAO/12931 (CMA-KC Karachi) and Farrukh Ateeq AAO/12919 (CMA-KC, Karachi), Khan Muhammad AAO/22179 CMA(HIT) Taxila has been deferred due to pending disciplinary proceedings.
Promotion P.M.A.D Establishment as Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) BS-17
Senior Auditors BS-16 to AAO BS-17 Promotion in Military Accounts :: (A) On qualification of APE Part-II held on 10/2011 & 12/2012 [27 persons] , (B) On 33% quota Seniority cum-fitness basis [14 persons] (C) On qualification of ICMA basis [3 persons) MAG letter No. 944/AN/1570-XLIV dated 24th January, 2014
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Very Special Thanks to Auditor General of Pakistan Rana Buland Akhtar Rana
Thanks to Mr. Farhad Khan MAG, Muhammad Siddique Tariq Joiya Dy: MAG , AMAG Admin Mr. Zulkifl
& Raja Sher Afghan Chairman, Muhammad Qasim Kahut Secy: General, Ch. Aamir S/V Chairman & all members
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