FEDERAL BUDGET 2016-17: Relief Measures for Govt Employees; Increase in Pay & Allowances, Pension & Up-gradations of Posts

By   June 4, 2016

According to Budget 2016-2017 Speech

Pay and Allowances for Government Employees, Pensioners and Labor

For Government employees, pensioners and workers I announce the following relief measures:

  1. Ad-hoc increases of 2013 and 2014 will be merged in the pay scales;
  2. 10% Adhoc Relief Allowance on running basic pay will be allowed to all federal government employees with effect from 1 s t July 2016;
  3. Special Area Compensatory Allowance at the uniform rate of Rs. 300 per month from Rs. 50- 210 for civil armed forces, posted in border areas;
  4. Unattractive Area / Compensatory Allowance for Chitral, Dir, Hazara Division, Swat and Malakand at par with rates allowed by the KPK Govt;
  5. Special Conveyance Allowance to disabled employees @ Rs.1000/- PM (on the proposal of leader of the opposition);
  6. Integrated Allowance allowed to Quasid/N.Quasid/Daftries from Rs.300/- PM to Rs.450/- PM;
  7. Revision of Outfit Allowance allowed to Pak Army officers on their secondment to civil Armed Forces and reversion to Army from Rs.800 to Rs.2,500 and from Rs.500 to Rs.2,000, respectively.
  8. Revision of Late Sitting Conveyance Charges by 50% to employees in BPS 1-15;
  9. Washing Allowance @ Rs. 100/- and Dress Allowance @ Rs. 100/- allowed to employees in BPS 1-4 from Rs. 100/- to Rs. 150/;
  10. M. Phil Allowance @25% of Ph.D Allowance i.e Rs.2,500 per month to Federal Govt Employees on the pattern of Govt of Punjab;
  11. Additional Charge Allowance /Deputation Allowance Revision of Ceiling from Rs.6,000/- to Rs.12,000/- for identical and non- identical post;
  12. Current Charge Special Pay – Revision of ceiling from Rs.6,000/- to Rs.12,000/-;
  13. Increase in Qualification Pay @50% and inclusion of ACCA/CIMA qualification – CA/ ICMA/ ICWA/ ACCA/ CIMA, Staff College/NMC/ND C, NIPA Adv Course / Mid Career etc.;
  14. Upgradation of LDC (BS-7 to BS-9), UDC (BS-9 to BS-11), Assistant (BS-14 to BS-16) and Assistant-in-Charge (BS-15 to BS-16);
  15. Upgradation of posts of Khateebs (BS12 to BS-15), Moazzins/Muddaris( BS-5 to BS-7) Khadim (BS-5 to BS-6) Auqaf Directorate, ICT;
  16. Risk Allowance/Special Risk Allowance to Federal Levi Force in FATA, PATA (KPK) and Baluchistan equal to One Month Initial Basic Pay of 2008 pay scale.
  17. On the pattern of increase in the pay of Government employees the minimum wage of labour for their benefit is being increased from Rs.13,000 to Rs.14,000 per month.


The government is fully aware of the hard times that many of the pensioners and their families are facing. For their welfare, the present Government took several measures during last three years. The following relief measures are being announced today for further welfare of pensioners and their families:
  1.  10% increase in net pension to all pensioners of federal government with effect from 1st July 2016.
  2. 25% increase in net pension to all pensioners of federal government above the age of 85 years with effect from 1 s t July 2016;
  3. Revision of Ex-Gratia Pension allowed to pensioners of former East Pakistan from Rs.2,000 to Rs.6,000 self pension and from Rs.1,000 to Rs.4,500 pm Family Pension;
  4. For pensioners Pensioner scheme, and senior citizens’ and widows’ investment in Bahbood scheme of National Savings, the upper limit of investment is being increased from Rs.4 million to Rs.5 million.

Increase in Pay & Allowances, Pension & Up-gradation of Ministerial & others Posts
Urdu Version — Federal Budget 2016-2017

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