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15th Night of Shaban or Shab e Barat,
as it is known, is one of the blessed nights in the Islamic calender.

Shab-e-Barat, the night of reverence, fervour and divine blessings is being observed across the country tonight. 
Shab-e-Baraat, the night of praise of God, is observed 15 days before the start of the holy month of Ramzan. The night is known as Laylatul Bara’ah or Laylatun Nisfe min Shaban in the Arab world.

شب برات ۔ یہ مقدس اور مبارک رات گناہوں سے تائب ہونے اور اللہ تعالیٰ سے بخشش طلبی کی ہے۔ اس رات نیکیوں کے دروازے کھول دیے جاتے ہیں، برکتوں کا نزول ہوتا ہے، خطاؤں کو معاف کیا جاتا ہے۔

گناہوں پر ندامت اور طلبِ مغفرت کی رات
پڑھنے کیلئے یہاں کلک کریں
شبِ برات کے خصوصی نوافل
شبِ برات ۔ رحمت و مغفرت کی پُرنور ساعتیں ۔ توبہ و مناجات کے بابرکت لمحے
پڑھنے کیلئے یہاں کلک کریں
شب برات میں معمولاتِ نبویﷺ
ماہِ شعبان کی پندرھویں شب احادیث کی روشنی میں
مانگنے کا مزا ۔ آج کی رات ہے
پڑھنے کیلئے یہاں کلک کریں
شبِ مقدس کا فیضان

Shab e Barat – Do’s and Don’ts of this Blessed Night
Since we have been recieving a lot of queries regarding Shab e Barat, its status in Islam and how to make full use of it, therefore a brief post is being added that will list the Do’s and Dont’s of Shab e Barat in the light of Sunnah.

1) 15th Night of Shaban or Shab e Barat, as it is known, is one of the blessed nights in the Islamic calender.

2) Make sure that you offer all the prayers in the masjid with Jamat. (This should be done in other days as well)

3) Make use of this blessed night by involving your self in individual nafl prayers. That includes recitation of quran, any zikr, nafl salah and most importantly, Dua!

4) Make as much dua as possible for the Ummah and for yourself.

5) There is no fixed or particular prayer for this night therefore stay away from any such gatherings where Nafl prayers are being offerd in Jamat. Allah(SWT) has granted us this night to get in touch with him personally and individually. We should value this opportunity and avoid gatherings.

6) It is not mandatory at all to stay up the whole night. Pray as much as you can conveniently. After that go to sleep and make sure you offer Fajr Salah in time in the Masjid.

7) You may also visit the graves of your loved ones, as it was done by our beloved Prophet(SAW) as well. However, it is not mandatory. Also, keeping in mind the sort of gatherings that take place at graveyards in these nights, it is sometimes better not to visit as one might get involved in sins.

8 ) Dua is the true essense of this night. Involve yourself in as much dua as you can

Things to be avoided on Shab e Barat:

1) Stay away from Bidaat. Stick to the simple straight path, i-e the Sunnah.

2) Shab e Baraat has nothing to do with Halwa, Fireworks and other such non-sense.

3) Farz Salah is of much greater importance than any Nafl Prayer. Therefore make sure that we do not stay up so late that we end up missing the Fajr Salah.

7 Types of People Who Will Not Be Forgiven on Shab e Baraat

Following are the types of people who, according to hadith, will not be forgiven even on the blessed night of Shab e Barat (if they do not repent).

However, if someone repents from these sins, then Allah(SWT) is all merciful and will surely forgive him.

1) Mushrik (those who associate partners with Allah).

2) The one who cuts off the ties of kinship (qata’ rehmi).

3) The one who covers his ankles with pants, shalwar or any other garment coming from the top (for men only)

4) The one who is disobedient towards his parents

5) The one who drinks Alcohol

6) The one who kills an innocent Muslim.

7) The one who keeps Keena (enmity) or nourishes malice in his heart for other Muslims.


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